At NEPS science and technology are included in student learning in a number of ways.
STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
Children in Prep to Grade 6 participate in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Specialist lessons every week. Lessons include a mix of hands-on and theory, individual and group tasks.
STEM Lessons are taught by Karen Salienko and Fiona Dunne.
Digital Technology
Students at NEPS are privileged to have access to a wide range of Digital Technology resources, including:
- A bank of 28 laptops used by classes Gr 5-6
- An Computer Lab of desktop computers
- Desktop or laptop computers in every classroom
- At least one iPad per classroom
- A Polycom video conferencing unit
- Team Board Interactive Whiteboards or Digital Televisions in every classroom, as well as portable units in open learning areas.
- Digital cameras
Students receive focused instruction in using these resources, and many opportunities to apply their Digital Technologies skills in other areas of the curriculum. Cybersafety is important to us, and all students and parents are required to sign an Digital Technologies Use agreement.
Our students are lucky enough to have a robotics program at NEPS. Here’s a snapshot of what some of our robotics activities look like.
Posted by Newborough East Primary School on Sunday, August 23, 2020
Grade 5-6 students participate in Design and Technology lessons in the NEPS Shed. In these lessons, students learn how to work with a range of materials and equipment. Students learn about safety considerations, plan and create products to meet a brief, and evaluate their work.