Uploading to Compass
The quality of files uploaded to Compass has an impact on teacher feedback and assessment of learning tasks. It also has an impact on students and families. Some are attempting to use technology in ways that they haven’t done before, or have access to a limited type of device that may be aged. Some are experiencing frustration. Here are some tips to try and support uploading to Compass to make it easier for families and teachers.
Before capturing documents for upload, please ensure that the date and subject are clearly visible on the document and that we have shown some focus on the quality of our handwriting. If in a subject you have been able to complete a technology based task, simply note which one you used. It is not necessary to complete different subjects in different books, or on different pages. It will actually be easier if tasks are completed one after the other, with the subject name written as a subheading. Trying to scan or take photos in a well lit area with the phone or camera held squarely over the document will help. Don’t scan or photograph anything more than you need to, teachers already have your learning tasks outlines.
Learning tasks that can be uploaded in a single file are preferred, although not always possible. Using an app that scans the documents will allow for multiple pages to be included in the same file. Adobe Scan seems to work on both Apple and android products. Here’s a video explaining how to use it.
The notes app also allows for the scanning of multiple pages, but doesn’t seem to allow for the renaming of a document. This app might be useful, if you are scanning a document to email then upload via a laptop as you could rename it before uploading.
If you are taking single photos of documents, the above tips also apply. Pasting those photos into a word document will allow for a single upload and a check that the photos allow the work to be seen clearly.
We will add to our tips as parents and staff learn more about what work’s best, so please share what you’re learning too.
Mrs Gibbons.